5th Edition Adventures - Bones of the Companion - EN
5th Edition Adventures - Bones of the Companion - EN
Bones of the Companions inbjuder bara de modigaste att rädda en stad från fördömelse. Äventyret är designat för spelarkaraktärer på medelhög till hög nivå på nivåerna 7 till 10. Alla karaktärsklasser är användbara även om en paladin och präst i sällskapet skulle vara fördelaktigt. Äventyret börjar i en stad, stad, by eller befästning och kan placeras i valfri kampanjmiljö. Bones of the Companions tar karaktärerna från källaren på en nyligen avliden präst till en plats där hela helvetet har brutit lös. Äventyrarna befinner sig i en kamp med kraftfulla varelser i en monolitisk labyrint för de döda. Även om Bones of the Companions kan spelas med just den här modulen, var den inspirerad av flera av Reapers-miniatyrerna och en karta skriven av Dyson Logos. Tillgång till Reapers-miniatyrer för mötena ger liv åt bordet för alla spelare i spelet. En lista tillhandahålls men de är inte nödvändiga för att spela. Det skulle vara bra för att köra spelet att ha en skrivare, en sax och lite grafmaterial för att konstruera fängelsehålan. Partiet utforskar en krypta i ett fickuniversum som några demoner har invaderat. Kryptan är konstruerad inuti en kub i fickdimension. Kryptan har en portal till avgrunden och demoner har kommit genom portalen efter döden av en präst som vaktade kryptan. Karaktärerna uppmanas att undersöka källan till en demon som nyligen härjade genom en stad. Bones of the Companions är ett äventyr designat för spel på hög nivå. Det föreslås att partiet har minst 4 medlemmar med ett genomsnitt på 8:e nivå. En blandning av klasser är nödvändig för att framgångsrikt slutföra äventyret. Det är nästan avgörande att prästen är medlem i det äventyrliga partiet. Det är särskilt användbart om en paladin går med i striden.
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Bones of the Companions invites only the bravest to save a city from damnation. The adventure is designed for mid to high-level player characters of levels 7 to 10. All character classes are useful though a paladin and cleric in the party would be advantageous. The adventure begins in a city, town, village or fortification and can be placed in any campaign setting. Bones of the Companions takes the characters from the basement of a recently deceased cleric to a place where all Hell has broken loose. The adventurers find themselves engaged in a struggle with powerful creatures in a monolithic maze for the dead. Although Bones of the Companions can be played with just this module, it was inspired by several of Reapers miniatures and a map penned by Dyson Logos. Access to Reapers miniatures for the encounters brings life to the table for all players of the game. A list is provided but they are not necessary to play. It would be helpful for running the game to have a printer, pair of scissors and some graph stock to construct the dungeon. The party explores a crypt in a pocket universe which some demons have invaded. The crypt is constructed inside a cube in a pocket dimension. The crypt has a portal to the Abyss and demons have come through the portal after the death of a cleric who guarded the crypt. The characters are asked to investigate the source of a demon who recently rampaged through a city. Bones of the Companions is an adventure designed for high-level play. It is suggested that the party have, minimally, 4 members with an average of 8th level. A mix of classes is necessary to successfully complete the adventure. It is nearly critical that cleric is a member of the adventuring party. It is especially useful if a paladin joins the fray.
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Bones of the Companions invites only the bravest to save a city from damnation. The adventure is designed for mid to high-level player characters of levels 7 to 10. All character classes are useful though a paladin and cleric in the party would be advantageous. The adventure begins in a city, town, village or fortification and can be placed in any campaign setting. Bones of the Companions takes the characters from the basement of a recently deceased cleric to a place where all Hell has broken loose. The adventurers find themselves engaged in a struggle with powerful creatures in a monolithic maze for the dead. Although Bones of the Companions can be played with just this module, it was inspired by several of Reapers miniatures and a map penned by Dyson Logos. Access to Reapers miniatures for the encounters brings life to the table for all players of the game. A list is provided but they are not necessary to play. It would be helpful for running the game to have a printer, pair of scissors and some graph stock to construct the dungeon. The party explores a crypt in a pocket universe which some demons have invaded. The crypt is constructed inside a cube in a pocket dimension. The crypt has a portal to the Abyss and demons have come through the portal after the death of a cleric who guarded the crypt. The characters are asked to investigate the source of a demon who recently rampaged through a city. Bones of the Companions is an adventure designed for high-level play. It is suggested that the party have, minimally, 4 members with an average of 8th level. A mix of classes is necessary to successfully complete the adventure. It is nearly critical that cleric is a member of the adventuring party. It is especially useful if a paladin joins the fray.
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